How to Make Your Website More Accessible: A Guide for Businesses

Creating an inclusive digital environment has never been more important than it is today. Why? Well, just think about it – we’re all living in an increasingly digital world. And, as businesses, it’s essential to ensure that everyone, including those with disabilities, can access and navigate your website easily. This article will guide you on how to make your website more accessible, helping you to reach a larger audience, improve SEO, and foster inclusivity.

The Importance of Website Accessibility

  • Boost SEO

    Did you know that creating a more accessible website can actually improve your search engine optimization (SEO)? That's right. Search engines like Google prioritize sites that are user-friendly, and a significant part of user-friendliness is accessibility.

  • Increase Audience Reach

    Over a billion people worldwide live with some form of disability. By optimizing your website for accessibility, you're inviting this massive audience to engage with your business. It's like opening the doors of your shop wider to welcome more customers.

  • Legal Compliance

    Ensuring your website is accessible isn't just about good business sense - it's also about legal compliance. Laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) mandate website accessibility.

Practical Ways to Improve Website Accessibility

  • Use High Contrast Colors

    For individuals with visual impairments, contrasting colors can make content easier to read. But wait, it doesn't mean you need to sacrifice your branding - it's about making smart color choices.

  • Include Alt Text for Images

    Alt text isn't just for SEO; it's also crucial for people using screen readers. With meaningful alt text, you can ensure these users understand the content of your images.

  • Use Clear, Simple Language

    Keeping language clear and straightforward isn't just good writing advice. For those with cognitive disabilities or non-native speakers, simple language can make your content more accessible and understandable.

  • Create Accessible Forms

    Forms are a critical part of most websites, but they can pose accessibility challenges. Ensure labels are clear, provide error messages, and make sure forms are keyboard-accessible.

  • Ensure Keyboard Functionality

    Many users navigate the web using a keyboard alone. Ensuring all your website's functions can be accessed via keyboard is crucial for these users.

Utilizing Web Accessibility Tools


WAVE is a free tool that identifies accessibility errors on your website. This tool can help you see where improvements are needed.


JAWS is a popular screen reader used by many people with visual impairments. Testing your website with JAWS can help ensure it’s accessible.


Like JAWS, NVDA is another commonly used screen reader. Testing with multiple screen readers can help ensure maximum accessibility.

Accessibility Standards: WCAG and ADA

Standards like WCAG and ADA outline the best practices for website accessibility. Following these guidelines can ensure your website meets legal requirements and is accessible to all.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional

While there are many steps you can take to improve website accessibility, hiring a professional can ensure all bases are covered. Professionals have the tools and expertise to thoroughly audit and enhance your website’s accessibility.


Website accessibility is not an optional extra but an essential aspect of your online presence. It increases audience reach, boosts SEO, and ensures legal compliance. By making your website more accessible, you’re not only being a responsible business but also opening your brand to a wider audience.


Website accessibility ensures all users, including those with disabilities, can access and navigate your website effectively. It's essential for ethical, legal, and business reasons.

Practical improvements include using high-contrast colors, providing alt text for images, using clear language, creating accessible forms, and ensuring keyboard functionality.

WCAG and ADA are sets of standards and laws, respectively, that outline requirements for website accessibility.

The alt text describes images to screen reader users, making visual content accessible to those with visual impairments.

A professional can provide a thorough audit and make comprehensive improvements to your website, ensuring it is fully accessible and compliant with laws.